Grow Your Own Herb Garden

I don’t have a green thumb. I’ve managed to kill a cactus before. So then why was I determined to start my own herb garden? Because as much as I am not a fan of gardening, I am a huge fan of saving money – buying 4 seedlings cost $12.00. Seedlings are the young plant that has been grown straight from the seed rather than a cutting of another plant.  The initial growth period of plants from their seeds can be the most difficult, so buying your herbs as seedlings takes a lot of the guesswork out of growing.  These seedlings – provided that they survive under my care – will save me money in the long run compared to buying fresh spices repeatedly from the grocery store. One stem of rosemary packaged from the store is usually $4.00; more than the cost of the entire plant!

Savings aside, the major upside to growing your own herbs is the fresh, natural flavour they add to dishes and drinks. Dried herbs just cannot compare.

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