Savoury Scrambled Eggs

Growing up, I never liked eggs for breakfast. I would always choose pancakes or French toast over eggs. I’m sure this doesn’t surprise anyone given the multiple times I’ve already mentioned my big sweet tooth on the blog. Then I started University, and:

a) Had zero time to cook elaborate breakfasts

b) Needed to eat something that would keep me energized through mornings of classes and studying, and…

c) Wanted to eat a breakfast that aligned with my nutrition goals so I could walk the walk of a nutrition student

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Enter scrambled eggs. Eggs, because they’re full of protein, which can help to keep you feeling full and keep your blood sugars regulated. Many experts recommend having about 20 grams of protein at breakfast to stay full and keep your metabolism burning, and two scrambled eggs put you on track for reaching that goal {two scrambled eggs have about 12 grams of protein}. Scrambled, because after many failed attempts at making a beautiful omelet, I decided that this version of making eggs was the best for my not culinary inclined self {I’m still working on that omelet}.

With this recipe, the secret is in the salsa. Salsa can be a relatively healthy condiment – the more “real food” ingredients, the better! Look for a variety that has lower sodium and lots of chunky goodness. My favourite variety is the southwest versions that have corn, jalapeños, and black beans {more protein!}. And a little bit of spicy cheese, my newfound addiction. If you have a little bit more time in the mornings than I do, you could totally make your own salsa with this recipe, just throw in some diced tomatoes, green chilies, corn, onions, and black beans with your eggs!

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Savoury Scrambled Eggs


  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup chunky salsa
  • ¼ cup shredded spicy cheese

How to make it:

  1. Spray a skillet with non-stick spray and heat to medium-high heat.
  1. Crack eggs into a small bowl and whisk together until creamy.
  1. Pour egg into skillet and cook, stirring to break up the egg.
  1. Once cooked, remove from heat and stir in salsa and cheese. The residual heat should melt the cheese. If not, place on low heat until the cheese has melted.
  1. Serve over a slice of toasted whole grain bread with a big mug of coffee.




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